Who is Kenneth Darlington? The 77-year-old who Shot 2 Climate Activists in Panama

Publish date: 2024-05-03

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, a shocking incident took place in Panama, where a 77-year-old man opened fire on a group of environmental protesters who were blocking the Pan-American Highway. The gunman, identified as Kenneth Darlington, a lawyer and professor with dual citizenship in the US and Panama, killed two of the protesters and injured several others. The incident was captured on video and went viral on social media, sparking outrage and condemnation from various quarters.

Who were the victims and what were they protesting for?

The victims of the shooting were Abdiel Diaz, a teacher and union activist, and Ivan Mendoza, a student and environmentalist. They were part of a larger protest that had been going on for three weeks, demanding the cancellation of a controversial mining contract that allowed Canada-based First Quantum Minerals to operate Panama’s largest pit copper mine for several years. The protesters claimed that the mine, located in the Donoso district, was causing environmental damage, violating indigenous rights, and evading taxes. They also accused the government of corruption and lack of transparency in granting the contract.

The protesters had set up roadblocks on the Pan-American Highway, the main artery that connects Panama with the rest of Central and South America, disrupting traffic and commerce. They had also staged demonstrations in front of the Canadian embassy and the presidential palace, calling for international attention and intervention.

Who is Kenneth Darlington and what was his motive?

Kenneth Darlington is a 77-year-old lawyer and professor who holds dual citizenship in the US and Panama. He was born in Panama and moved to the US when he was young. He graduated from Harvard Law School and taught at several prestigious universities, including Yale and Stanford. He also worked as a consultant for various multinational corporations and governments, specializing in international law and arbitration. He has authored several books and articles on legal and political issues.

According to his own statement to the police, Kenneth Darlington was driving along the Pan-American Highway on his way to a meeting in Panama City when he encountered the roadblock set up by the protesters. He claimed that he felt frustrated and threatened by the protesters, who refused to let him pass and surrounded his car. He said that he tried to reason with them, but they became aggressive and violent. He then pulled out a gun that he had in his car and fired at them in self-defense. He said that he regretted his actions and that he did not intend to kill anyone.

However, the video footage of the incident contradicts his version of events. The video shows that Darlington got out of his car and walked towards the protesters, who were peacefully sitting on the road. He then started to argue with them and tried to remove their signs and banners. He then drew his gun and pointed it at them, while they pleaded with him to calm down and put the gun away. He then fired several shots, hitting two of the protesters in the chest and head. He then got back in his car and drove away, leaving behind a scene of chaos and bloodshed.

🚨RAW FOOTAGE: Old Man Shoots 2 Climate Protesters Blocking The Street ⚠️

Kenneth Darlington, 77, a lawyer and professor who holds dual citizenship in the US and Panama, has been arrested after shooting two environmental protesters blocking a Panamanian highway.

He had a very… pic.twitter.com/vO2SdlIlSJ

— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) November 9, 2023

What are the legal and social implications of the incident?

The incident has sparked a public outcry and a political crisis in Panama. The government has condemned the shooting and expressed its solidarity with the victims and their families. The president has ordered a full investigation and promised to bring the perpetrator to justice. The Canadian government has also expressed its concern and offered its assistance in the investigation. The United Nations and several human rights organizations have urged the authorities to respect the right to peaceful protest and to address the grievances of the protesters.

The incident has also raised questions about the security and regulation of firearms in Panama. According to the law, citizens are allowed to own and carry guns for personal protection, but they need to obtain a license and register their weapons. However, the law is not strictly enforced and there is a widespread availability of illegal guns in the black market. According to a report by the Small Arms Survey, Panama has one of the highest rates of gun ownership and gun violence in the world, with 16.3 guns per 100 people and 15.2 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020.

The incident has also highlighted the social and environmental conflicts that have been plaguing Panama for years. The country, which is known for its canal and its economic growth, has also faced challenges such as poverty, inequality, corruption, and environmental degradation. The mining sector, which accounts for about 10% of the GDP, has been a source of controversy and contention, as it has been accused of violating human rights, exploiting natural resources, and causing pollution and deforestation. The protesters have demanded that the government review and revoke the mining contracts that have been granted to foreign companies and that it implement stricter environmental and social standards.

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The incident has also sparked a debate about the role and responsibility of the media and the public in reporting and reacting to such events. The video of the shooting, which was recorded by a bystander and uploaded on social media, has been widely shared and commented on by millions of people around the world. Some have praised the courage and the sacrifice of the protesters, while others have criticized their methods and their motives. Some have condemned the actions and the attitude of the gunman, while others have defended his right to self-defense and his freedom of movement. Some have called for justice and accountability, while others have called for forgiveness and reconciliation.

The incident has also generated a discussion about the impact and influence of social media and the internet on the perception and dissemination of information and opinions. Some have argued that social media and the internet have provided a platform and a voice for the marginalized and the oppressed and that they have enabled the exposure and denunciation of injustice and violence. Others have argued that social media and the internet have also created a space and a tool for the manipulation and distortion of facts and emotions and that they have fueled the polarization and the radicalization of society.

The incident has also challenged the ethical and professional standards of journalism and the media. Some have questioned the accuracy and reliability of the sources and the information that has been used and reported by the media. Some have also questioned the objectivity and the impartiality of the journalists and the media outlets that have covered and commented on the incident. Some have also questioned the appropriateness and sensitivity of the images and the language that has been used and displayed by the media. Some have also questioned the role and the responsibility of the media in informing and educating the public, and in promoting and facilitating dialogue and understanding.

The shooting of two climate activists by a 77-year-old man Kenneth Darlington in Panama is a tragic and complex event that has exposed and provoked various legal, social, and ethical issues and dilemmas. The incident has also demonstrated the power and the potential of the media and the internet, as well as the challenges and the risks that they entail.

The incident has also shown the need and the urgency for more peaceful and respectful coexistence and cooperation among different actors and sectors of society and for a more sustainable and responsible development and management of the environment and resources. The incident has also shown the importance and the value of human life and dignity and of the right and the duty to protect and to defend them.
