Where was Bayla Swid last seen? Family issues plea for help in wake of bartender's disappearance

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Bayla Swid, a Boca Raton resident, has reportedly been missing since July 15, 2023, after she was last seen in Miami with an unidentified 44-year-old man using an alias Robert Davis who also goes by Bradley Davis. Concerned for her safety, Swid's family has taken to social media to plead for information, leading to the missing woman’s whereabouts.

In an Instagram Post, the family said that Swid, who works as a bartender at Loch Bar in Boca Raton, has not shown up for work or her summer classes since July 15. The behavior was deemed suspicious as it was out of character for the missing woman to forsake her commitments.

The family also revealed that Swid, who has not used her phone, has turned off her location for weeks, making it impossible for them to discern her whereabouts. In addition, Swid has reportedly been off social media.

The missing bartender’s family suspected that she was in the company of the unidentified man and asked people to contact 911 if they spotted the couple.

Bayla Swid's last known location is Miami

On July 27, Bayla Swid's family and friends took to social media to plead for help in locating the Florida native who has been missing since July 15. In an Instagram post, Swid's family revealed that she was last seen with an unidentified male using an alias, Robert Davis or Bradley Davis. The family revealed that the man had maxed out her credit cards, cleaned out her father’s joint bank account and used her identity to open new cards that were also swiped over the limit.

“The posts you recently saw on the stories were not posted by Bayla, they were posted to cover this up. Bayla has been missing since 7/15/23 and was last seen with this man using a fake name: Robert Davis(age 44, from California, also goes by Bradley Davis) who has since opened multiple credit cards in her name, maxed them out and stole money from my dad's joint account.”

In a Facebook post, Swid's coworker from Loch Bar in Boca Raton revealed that her last known location pinged from Miami from a Samsung device on July 27, 2023. In the post, the coworker pleaded for the public's assistance to help locate the missing woman

“My coworker BAYLA SWID has been missing since 7/15/2023. Last seen with this man who goes by BRADLEY or ROBERT DAVIS. We are worried sick and miss her dearly. She works at City Oyster in Delray and Loch Bar in Boca. The last known location is Miami on 7/27/23 from a Samsung device. Please private message me any info you might have and PLEASE SHARE.”

In the wake of Bayla Swid’s disappearance, the online community rallied around her family and helped amplify the message of her disappearance.

The family revealed that they have filed a missing person’s report but have not gained any additional insight from law enforcement. As a result, they have now taken their quest public and have asked people to reach out to the police with information leading to her whereabouts.

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