"What the f*** is going on?"

Publish date: 2024-06-16

Diego Maradona loved parties, but the one most people do not recollect easily is his party in prison with Pablo Escobar. The Argentine legend had no idea why he was taken to the prison, nor did he know who the infamous drug lord was at that point.

The Boca Juniors legend was taken to La Catedral in Colombia, a prison that looked more like a hotel as it had a five-a-side football pitch, bar, jacuzzi, pool tables, and more. The leader of the Medellin Cartel got his men to bring the legendary footballer to him and celebrated with a huge party.

Diego Maradona recalled the incident and claimed that it was a party 'with the best girls I've ever seen in my life'. He said:

"I was taken to a prison surrounded by thousands of guards. I said, 'What the f*** is going on? Am I being arrested?' The place was like luxury hotel. They said, 'Diego, this is El Patrón.' I didn't read the newspapers or watch television, so I had no idea who he was!"

Speaking about his interaction with Escobar, the legendary footballer added:

"We met in an office and he said he loved my game and that he identified with me because, like him, I'd triumphed through poverty. We played the game and everyone enjoyed themselves. Later that evening, we had a party with the best girls I've ever seen in my life. And it was in a prison! I couldn't believe it. The next morning, he paid me and said goodbye."

Lionel Messi dedicated FIFA World Cup win to Diego Maradona

Lionel Messi led Argentina to their first FIFA World Cup title in 36 years when they defeated France in the final in Qatar last year in December. The PSG star scored twice in the final, while club-teammate Kylian Mbappe struck a hattrick to take the match into the penalty shootout.

Argentina came out victorious, and Messi dedicated the win to Diego Maradona in his Instagram post. He wrote:

"It's also from Diego [Maradona] who encouraged us from heaven. And of all those who spent the time always supporting the national team without looking so much at the result but the desire we always put into it, also when things didn't go as we wanted. Many times failure is part of the journey and learning, and without the disappointments it is impossible for success to come. Thank you very much from my heart!"

Diego Maradona passed away in November 2020 after he suffered a heart attack at his Buenos Aires home.

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