Tucker Carlson Guest Jesse Kelly Has Wildly Sexist Take on Chelsea Handler

Publish date: 2024-05-25

Comedian Chelsea Handler might have been making a light-hearted joke when she put out a comedy sketch last week extolling the virtues of being a “childless woman,” relishing having the time to do anything she wants. But while discussing the skit on his show on Tuesday, Tucker Carlson and his guest saw the bit as symptomatic of a serious societal problem. Right-wing radio host Jesse Kelly said “feminists like Chelsea Handler” have been “lied to by their society forever that you can be a girlboss, and you can do anything a man can do—which everyone who’s ever seen a woman back up a vehicle knows that’s not true.” Carlson sat stony-faced as Kelly’s sexist screed went on, with him opining that women who don’t have children find themselves alone on Valentine’s Day “and [their] womb resembles a dried-up tumbleweed blowing down an old western town, and your Valentine’s date for the tenth year in a row is a ten-year-old copy of ‘Magic Mike’ and a half-full bottle of Xanax, and you’re trying to pretend like you’re happy, but you’re not happy.”
