Telling the Christmas Story with Food

Publish date: 2024-04-25

The Christmas Story (as Told by Food)

Here is a creative (and delicious) way to share the Christmas story. You can use this as a gift, or you can gather with friends for a cookie exchange type party (in which each person contributes one of the recipes). Feel free to get creative. You can substitute our suggested recipes with some of your favorites. If your time is limited, don’t feel the need to make all the recipes; just pick your favorites or use store bought treats!

The Christmas Story Told with Food

A Christmas Story Poem . . .

The story began a long time ago

When an ANGEL told Mary how God would bestow

(Enjoy your angel sugar cookies!)

His grace upon her to bear his own Son.

From this virgin was born the Anointed One.


A virgin with child? Now that sounded crazy.

Even Joseph did not believe his dear lady.

Mary seemed NUTS ’til the angel appeared

(Enjoy your praline pecans or peanut brittle or peanut bars)

To Joseph with truth that he needed to hear.


So Joseph was glad and made Mary his wife.

He would father her child the rest of his life.

And before the birth, they all had to go

To Bethlehem and make their show.


Caesar demanded that everyone be

In their ancestors’ town for his census decree.

Nazareth to Bethlehem was about 80 miles.

There were ROCKY ROADS and many trials.

(Enjoy your rocky road fudge!)


Perhaps it was cold, perhaps there was SNOW.

(Enjoy your snowball cookies!)

And things would get worse when birth pains would grow.

Mary and Joseph could not find a place

To give birth to the baby, the child of grace.


So when Jesus was born, he was probably laid

On some HAY in a manger where the animals stayed.

(Enjoy your haystacks!)

Then shepherds with CANES came to look on the sight.

(Enjoy your candy canes or candy cane cookies!)

It was just as the angel described it that night.


Wise Men from the East started making their way

To see the new King, all the STARS seemed to say

(Enjoy your brownie stars!)

That Messiah had come as the prophets foretold,

So they brought gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and GOLD.

(Enjoy your gold coins!)


The child was called Jesus, which means “God saves.”

He was God’s special gift to a world enslaved.

He was fully man and yet fully DIVINE.

(Enjoy your divinity!)

Sent to save us from sin through God’s loving design.


Strangely enough, he was born to die.

To set us right with God Most High.

Though he had no sin, he bore our shame.

That a place in heaven we could claim.


As a centerpiece for the food plate, you can do a Nutter Butter Baby Jesus or a Christmas Tree Cone. Then, I wrap it with cellophane, fold and hole punch the below poem, and tie it with a ribbon!

Click on the images below to open the printables in PDF format. I suggest that you right click the PDF doc and save it to your computer before printing. I left room at the bottom of the poem for you to sign your name if you give it as a gift, or you can create your own poem using the blank document. Also, here is the poem in a WORD doc if you prefer to work in a word processing program: Christmas Poem in WORD (note that I designed the original in Photoshop, so the WORD document layout is slightly different and includes more standard fonts).

Printable Christmas Food PoemPrintable Christmas Food Poem Blank

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