Popular star to confirm heel turn after 30 months on WWE RAW? Exploring the chances

Publish date: 2024-06-03

WWE teased a major heel turn for one of its top stars on last week's edition of Monday Night RAW.

The star in question here is Shinsuke Nakamura. It seems like the King of Strong Style will go back to being a heel to find his roots. We saw a glimpse of a shift in character for the Japanese star when Tommaso Ciampa interfered in his match with Bronson Reed on the July 17th episode of RAW. Ciampa's interference led to Nakamura losing the match, and this resulted in a furious Nakamura then kicking Ciampa in the face.

Nakamura returned the favor to Ciampa a week later by showing up at ringside during his hard-hitting match with Bronson Reed. Nakamura argued with the Blackheart, which distracted Ciampa and allowed Reed to capitalize and win the match.

Nakamura's actions have led many fans to believe a heel turn is coming. A shift of character is necessary for him, as he has spent a significant amount of time toiling on the mid-card. A full-fledged heel turn on tonight's episode of RAW could be the first step in reviving his career once again.

A heel turn on RAW could help him garner his old popularity

When Nakamura first arrived on the main roster, he was among the top merchandise sellers. He was a big hit with the fans right away, he had all the tools to become a massive babyface star who had the potential to be WWE's first major Japanese world champion.

His most noteworthy run came in 2018 when he was involved in a protracted feud with AJ Styles. He began that year as a rising main event babyface with arguably one of the greatest victories a wrestler can achieve in the 2018 Royal Rumble match, but he ultimately became a mid-card prospect.

He continues to be one of the most astounding wrestling talents that WWE hasn't fully utilized. Hopefully, that all changes soon, as Triple H is now in charge of making decisions.

The Game may right all the wrongs that have been done to the King of Strong Style's character. Let's watch tonight's episode of Monday Night RAW to find out.

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