Pokemon Scarlet and Violet player makes hilarious meme about Koraidon, Miraidon, and sandwiches

Publish date: 2024-05-31

The Pokemon franchise has a history of memorable legendary creatures, and many of the game's mascot legendaries tend to be high up on the list. However, no duo of mascot legendaries is immune to parody.

Throughout the franchise's history, the box legendaries have had intense rivalries. Groudon and Kyogre battle for dominion over the planet, Dialga and Palkia control time and space, and Lugia and Ho-Oh are protectors of the sea and sky.

Then there's Koraidon and Miraidon of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. One Reddit meme by FckResell pointed out that the two Paldean creatures' priorities are slightly different.

Where previous Legendary Pokemon have controlled the forces of nature themselves, Koraidon and Miraidon came from the past and future and enjoyed some tasty snacks.

Pokemon Redditors React to the Koraidon/Miraidon Sandwich Meme

Koraidon and Miraidon love their Herba Mystica sandwiches (Image via The Pokemon Company)

The reality of Koraidon and Miraidon's stories is a bit more complicated than the meme represents. The two legendaries emerged from a time machine in Area Zero and were bullied by another species member. A scuffle broke out, and the two Pokemon were wounded attempting to protect Professors Turo and Sada, who died in the havoc.

The legendary creatures meet the player through Scarlet and Violet's story and ultimately return to Area Zero to defeat their bullies. However, along the way, the two consumed plenty of Herba Mystica sandwiches to regain their strength and abilities before they finally reached fighting shape again.

Where many legendaries in the Pokemon series were protectors of the world or engines of nature's wrath, much of what is known about Koraidon and Miraidon is shrouded in mystery since they are from the past and future, respectively. One thing is known without a doubt, though: they love snacking on sandwiches, and plenty of fans in the Reddit post had a laugh about this fact.

While many fans joked about how pivotal sandwiches were to the overall story of Scarlet and Violet, others discussed Koraidon and Miraidon's legendary status. Some players were quick to point out that they didn't feel like legendary creatures, merely past and future versions of Cyclizar and Paldean native species in the present day.

Meanwhile, one player remarked that they believed the two creatures became legendary during the story instead of being inherently legendary, like in previous games.

Regardless of your opinion on Koraidon and Miraidon, there's no contesting that they were integral to Scarlet and Violet's story. Whether it's being ridden by the player, being fed tasty snacks, or joining them in the battle against various foes, Koraidon and Miraidon are never far from the player character's side after being met at the story's opening.

These two Pokemon may not have the power to shatter the land or unravel space-time, but they're invaluable assets to a player's journeys through Paldea. Just be sure to give them a sandwich now and again. They've earned it with all the driving, climbing, gliding, and fighting they've been doing.

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