My Five Favorite Disney Daddy-Daughter Moments

Publish date: 2024-05-14
Epcot's Kidcot Spot in World Showcase's Japan Pavilion

A happy day-after Father’s Day to all! The words “Disney” and “family” have gone together since the very beginnings of Walt’s time spent with his daughters Diane and Sharon. Indeed, the very seeds of Disneyland were born from Walt’s beloved “daddy’s days” with his daughters, when he thought there should be a place where parents could have fun with their children; a place that could be magical for all. With that spirit in mind, I wanted to share with you some of my most cherished daddy-daughter-Disney-moments from years gone by. I invite you to share your stories with us in the comments below, and to celebrate the magic that happens when families come together.


Oh, I’m a softy. And my daughter Michelle knows it. As I’ve shared many times before, the finale of World Showcase (“We Go On”) never fails to bring me to tears. And much like those movie moments where my waterworks turn on, Michelle knew exactly when that special moment would come. Of course, she’d always look over to, um, see if I was OK (“are you crying AGAIN?”). But there was another IllumiNations moment that I’m not sure if she remembers, but it’s one I’ll never forget. We were actually in the Contemporary, relaxing on the second floor, on the last day of our trip. It was then that Michelle gave me a present; one that she had just picked up in Buena Vista Gifts. Knowing how much I loved the music of IllumiNations, she had gotten me the CD of the soundtrack. I treasured this CD for years; not only did it remind me of one of my favorite Disney moments; it forever reminded my of Michelle’s heartfelt gift…one that she knew would be very special to me. And that’s also why I will particularly miss IllumiNations. (I also have countless memories of us watching IllumiNations together, but I’ll keep those to myself!)

Epcot’s Japan Pavilion and the Mitsukoshi Department Store

If you were to ask both of us what our favorite spot was in all of Walt Disney World, we would both tell you the same thing without hesitation…the Japan pavilion in World Showcase. And specifically the Mitsukoshi Department Store, Why? Well, growing up Michelle loved anime and manga (Japanese animation and graphic novels in case you don’t know), and the Mitsukoshi Department Store is a treasure trove of anime and manga related souvenirs. Not a trip goes by when we don’t visit the shop on at least one occasion. I also never consider a solo trip complete without a stop at the pavilion to pick out a special souvenir to bring home to her. Often these souvenirs involve food…if you’ve never tried Pocky I highly recommend it! We’ve spent so much time in this place that there are far too many memories to be contained in a single paragraph…everything from picking out kimonos to picking out a special pearl for Mom. The Japanese pavilion will forever hold a special place in my heart, for it was there that I saw the passions of my daughter, particularly those in art and music, blossom before my eyes.

Space Mountain and Shoe Power

For any proud Disney parent, a proud right of passage is your child’s first experience on a “grown-up” attraction (meaning one with a height requirement!). One of my favorite memories was Michelle’s first ride on Space Mountain. She was ready, and when it was our turn I asked if we could sit up front, letting her have that coveted seat at the front of our spacecraft. As we hurtled through the darkest reaches of the galaxy, I first noticed that she wasn’t making a sound…not a scream, not a yelp…nothing. I was a bit worried that the ride was perhaps a bit much for her; and as we pulled into the unloading station, I leaned forward to ask if she was OK. Her response? A jubilant shout of “I WANT TO GO AGAIN! I WANT TO GO AGAIN!” And a new favorite attraction was born. I should amend my story a bit…though she didn’t scream throughout the ride (as most other people – myself included – do all too well), she did yell out “I’m losing shoe power!!!!” partway through our journey. To this day neither one of us has the faintest idea what she meant.

Shoe Power, Yacht Club Style

OK, admittedly this one is a bit odd. Over the years we’ve stayed at many resorts, and one of our favorites was Disney’s Yacht Club (for one, it was a short walk away from Epcot’s Japan pavilion!). Somehow, we stumbled upon the odd tradition of taking our shoes off as we walked up and down the inclined hallway outside the former Fittings and Fairings gift shop. This particular section of the hall is carpeted, and we somehow developed the odd desire to walk that section of the hall wearing only our socks. There’s no doubt it was comforting on our tired feet after a day in the parks; but it’s still a mystery to us as to why we had an affinity for this particular hallway. But to this day, even if I’m wandering by the shop (now simply called The Market) alone, I’ll still take off my sneakers and walk down the hall in my stocking feet…and with a little bit of extra warmth in my heart, Yeah, it’s kind of weird, but that’s us!


This last memory is my favorite, and it’s one I alluded to in an earlier post (How To See Disney a Different Way). This particular day would be Michelle’s, and she was in charge. So we asked what she wanted to do. A day at the Magic Kingdom? Swimming in the pool? Even hanging out in our room and watching TV? Whatever it was, she was in charge! Her choice? She wanted to go to Epcot and hit all the Kidcot spots in World Showcase. So, Passport in hand, we started out in Mexico and made our way around the pavilions. This was during the Millennium Celebration, so visiting Kidcot that year was extra special. We went from pavilion to pavilion, collecting stickers, crafts, and autographs. Even though it was a brutally hot day (hey, it’s Florida after all!) she was determined to make it all the way to Canada, which we did. (I will add that for the Millennium Celebration, there were additional country pavilions in the World Showcase special events building…Daddy had the task of venturing there on his own on a later day to collect up all the remaining autographs. The best part? Mini-golf in Scotland!) It was an extra special day, for it let me see Disney though her eyes, and I got to share in her quest, and ultimate satisfaction, in setting out and completing her “mission,” with some great snacks and souvenirs along the way. And a daddy daughter day I will never forget.

As I said, I have far too many daddy daughter memories to include in one story, but that’s one of the things I am most grateful for…those treasured Disney memories that I will always hold near and dear to my heart. Do you have some beloved parent/child Disney memories? Let us know, and we can all share that Disney magic together! Happy Father’s Day!

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