How to quickly level up Merchant Alliance in Sea of Thieves?

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Sea of Thieves is a constantly evolving experience that has transformed into a juggernaut for fans of pirating adventure owing to constant updates. This title has many activities to pursue, with quests related to factions being a crucial part of this experience. Merchant Alliance is a faction where you can gain various reputation levels and earn unique rewards.

You can undoubtedly level up by delving into the game solo, but having some friends on your side is recommended to ease the grind. To increase the reputation level with this faction, you must ferry some goods across vast distances, which is the safest tactic to adopt.

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How to level up Merchant Alliance faction faster in Sea of Thieves?

There are many ways to rejuvenate your gameplay experience in Sea of Thieves, including increasing the reputation level with your desired faction. If you want to role-play as an honest pirate and do not mind transporting goods frequently across the seas, you must pursue quests regarding the Merchant Alliance.

Engaging in Merchant Voyages is your best, fastest, and safest bet to accumulate reputation levels with this faction. You should focus more on commodity trading missions which involve procuring animals, gunpowder barrels, and others, which can then be sold to merchants.

Another type of voyage is a cargo run, which requires you to ferry varied stock from one location to another. While you can pursue these runs, you must note the cargo degradation system, which affects the amount of reputation and gold received in Sea of Thieves.

Therefore, you can alternate between the two aforementioned types of voyages to vary your experience and stick to the one that reaps you better benefits. After achieving the milestone of reputation level 15, you can opt for Emissary Flags, which will further enhance the gained reputation upon returning loot to merchants.

If you have friends by your side, you can also partake in clearing out Skeleton Forts. These pose a grave challenge since you will encounter multiple waves of enemies within them. Furthermore, you will also face off against a handful of tough bosses that can drop a key. This will grant you access to a vault containing treasure which you can then return to the merchants.

Note that this vault can also contain loot of other Sea of Thieves factions like Order of Souls, Gold Hoarders, and more. This makes it a powerful tactic to increase reputation levels with all the factions. If you are up for some exploring, you can dabble into lost shipments quests wherein you must get to a specific location and find shipments for delivery.

Sea of Thieves encourages you to try out all activities to partake in World Events and look for loot that can be sold to the Merchant Alliance. You can peruse this guide on how to level up the Gold Hoarders faction.

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