Five Times Winnie the Pooh Taught Us What Life Is All About

Publish date: 2024-06-14

When it comes to illustrating kindness, empathy and even self love, look no further than Winnie the Pooh!  This delightful, stuffed-with-fluff bear, enjoys the simple things in life, like a modest home, plenty of quirky friends, all the honey, all while rocking a teeny weeny crop top without regard to any extra ‘fluff’. Pooh is more than a silly stuffed bear with a unique, carefree drawl; this bear is down right inspiring! As a child of the 90s, I experienced the rebirth of Disney animation, a renaissance of Walt Disney productions, if you will. The Lion King, Aladdin and Toy Story brought a whole new level of flash and thrill to the screen that was undeniable, non-stop fun. But there’s something to be said about the softer, gentler side of Disney. Nothing seems to phase, startle, or overwhelm Winnie and love is the forefront of our a-gender friend’s existence. Just in case you need a little extra merriment in your day (or even if you don’t!), here are five life lessons from everyone’s favorite stuffed bear to put a smile on your face. 

We all have days that we doubt our self worth to the point of grim distress. The world can be a harsh place full of ‘meanies’ and downright cotton headed ninny muggins! There are times I struggle to drag myself out of bed, let alone make it to work with a smile on my face. I have never considered myself a brave or strong  person by any means; diffidence often times gets the better of how I view my intellect and at least  once a week I can be found curled up on my yoga mat in the fetal position emulating Eeyore as I contemplate who my real friends are. While there may not be enough downward facing dogs to get you out of your own head, I invite you to look to our good friend Pooh bear for reassurance that you are amazing, brilliant and loved! Your brain is lying to you, listen to Pooh. You are capable of greatness!

Pooh may not be a millennial, (ninety-four this coming October!) but they (myself included) can sure learn a thing or two from this sentiment. It isn’t uncommon to go to a concert, festival, or even Disney World and look into a sea of bald spots, cowlicks and other hair patterns strategically placed on the crown of one’s head. Text neck, I believe is the recently coined term. While no one could blame you for  a few castle selfies and video footage of Gaston’s brutish arrogance outside his own tavern in Magic Kingdom, the line of actively enjoying and existing to post can easily be crossed. Whether you are with your best friends, family, pets, or simply a party of one, memories are being made, even if you don’t realize it! Not everything can be all fun and games, not even on vacation (if you have ever seen a three year old in a Snow White dress have an eardrum piercing meltdown in front of Cinderella Castle, you know what I mean by that) but making memories is a direct result of ‘just having fun’. And the only way to do that is by being in the moment as much as possible. 

Whew..what a perspective, Pooh! Whether it’s relocation, career change, ending a relationship or even death, closing a chapter of your life you shared with another human being (or a furry friend) is… significant. There isn’t an inspirational quote on the internet that will dull the pain or make the nights any less cold. But there is something to be said for flipping the script and allowing a little bit of sunlight on the outlook. 

More commonly said ‘it’s the little things’. While it might be cliche, it’s commonplace for a reason. This could partly be contributed to the existential crisis that is the overload of information our brainwaves soak up every minute of everyday. The big things just don’t seem so… big. But that’s also because they’re simply not. Substantial moments are just a cluster of tiny, warm fuzzies that grow inside of you until they become something bigger. The analogy of the beginning of life comes to mind.  The things that are significant are just a lot of small hugs, reassuring glances, tiny smiles, and overzealous pets upon your arrival after a long day at work. 

There are many, many, things we don’t actually need. Would we die without red velvet cake, Swedish fish, hugs, or trips to Disney World? The latter is debatable, but for the most part, of course we wouldn’t! But what would life be without the things that makes our heart skip a beat, the things that make us smile, the things we don’t really need? We would be simply existing, and where’s the fun in that? While I don’t condone spending every last dime to your name frivolously, indulging in fifteen Hershey’s bars (fourteen is just fine) or rescuing all the kitties at the animal shelter, you don’t need permission, nor do you owe anyone an explanation for sticking your hand in the proverbial honey pot. 

There are Disney characters that resonate with us, make us laugh, cry, reminisce and cause our hearts to swell.  For me, Winnie the Pooh does all of those things. But most of all, this delightful bear makes me smile. The simplicity of Pooh’s timeless words are what make the sentiment so beguiling. Understanding your own worth, knowing when to put the phone down and simply savor life, the ability to turn goodbyes into ‘see ya real soons’, recognizing the innate worth in the little things, and realizing that eating not one, but two slices of your favorite pie is not a mortal sin, are all things we as humans struggle with. I suggest we take a chapter from one of the worlds most cuddly, lovable, stuffed with fluff bears and see the world as the great big beautiful tomorrow that it truly is. 

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