'Despite the Alzheimer's, sometimes she still calls me our Kev'

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Kevin Whately chooses his words carefully. The actor, best known for his role in the ITV drama Inspector Morse, and its spin-off series, Lewis, is reluctant to say anything that could smack of self-pity.

As he is equally determined to campaign for improved research and funding for dementia, an interest sparked by his mother's descent into Alzheimer's disease, he chooses each word with caution.

"I don't want to make out I am some kind of victim of this, that would be pathetic," he insists. "This is about my mum, not about me; it is her that has suffered. I am talking about it because I think it is really important that we improve the research and treatment of Alzheimer's."

Whately, 57, is speaking now because he wants to encourage people to take part in this year's Bupa Great North Run, which starts in Gateshead on September 20 2009. The Telegraph-sponsored ballot for the final 3,000 places in the half marathon, for which the Alzheimer's Society is the nominated charity, opens today (click here to enter).

The TV actor, who came to fame in the 1980s in the award-winning Auf Wiedersehn Pet, before becoming firmly lodged in the national conscious as the sidekick of Inspector Morse, was one of four children born to Mary Whately, now 82.

He describes his mother, a grammar school teacher who was widowed at the age of 42, as a "fiercely independent woman" who became angry as her memory began to fail seven years ago.

Mrs Whately, who lived in Northumberland all her life, and had hoped to die there, was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2003. She was the first person her son had ever known to suffer from the disease.

He says: "At first she would forget where she had left the car was, or she would lose her house keys. It was hard to be sure what the problem was at first but she became increasingly depressed."

Since the diagnosis, Kevin and his brother and sisters have watched helplessly as the disease has taken its cruel toll. At first, the four siblings would take it in turn to make daily phone calls and weekly 700-mile round trips to her home in Hexham.

After a Christmas in London four years ago, when Mrs Whately attempted to walk home, forgetting she was 300 miles from her beloved Northumberland, her deterioration became apparent. As her aggression mounted, she was admitted to hospital, and finally transferred into a private care home in west London.

"It was a struggle to find somewhere, there aren't many good homes and essentially you are waiting for some poor soul to die," says Whately, candidly.

The profits from the sale of her home have paid for the £1,000 weekly costs of the current home, he says, while expressing sympathy for families who do not have that option.

He praises many of the staff working with some of the most challenging and unhappy patients, but says there are not enough decent care homes to meet the burden of Britain's ageing population. Some 700,000 people suffer from dementia, and one in three people die with it.

"A lot of the staff are wonderful; they are working with people who are demented, howling all day and incontinent. Some of the staff are very good, but there are not enough quality care homes, especially for those who cannot afford to pay," he says.

Whately urges the Government to increase funding both for research into Alzheimer's, the main type of dementia, as well as treatment of the disease and care for sufferers. "I think this is a huge problem and the Government is only just now beginning to recognise it," he says.

During the progression of Alzheimer's disease, plaques of protein start to form around bran cells. blocking messages to and from the brain, leading to confusion, memory problems, mood swings, personality changes and depression. Age is the greatest risk factor; one in 50 people aged between 65 and 70 have dementia, compared with one in 5 above the age of 80.

Whately urges ministers to "bite the bullet" and increase the funds for Alzheimer's care and scientific studies, which attracts just 3 per cent of the Government funding given to cancer research.

"I think this Government has done a lot for the other end of the age spectrum – they have had a good focus on child poverty – but I think they have not done enough for the elderly," says Whately.

He believes the worst period for the Whatelys came three years ago, when a constant state of confusion left Mary angry and bitter. Now, she is settled and calm, although she understands little of what goes on around her.

"People say that you grieve because the person disappears in front of your eyes, and that is exactly true," says her son. "The character fades and all you can catch are the little sparks that remind us of how she was."

Now, on his twice weekly visits to her home, his mother treats her son fondly, even though she can't always remember who he is.

"She knows I love her, but she gets confused about who I am. Sometimes she thinks I am my dad or even her dad."

Other days are better: "Sometimes, she still calls me our Kev."

* To enter the ballot to run in the Bupa Great North Run, with proceeds to the Alzheimer's Society, click here. For more information on Alzheimer's, visit www.alzheimers.org.uk
