Chicago PD Recap 02/28/24: Season 11 Episode 6 Survival

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Chicago PD Recap 02/28/24: Season 11 Episode 6 "Survival"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, February 28, 2024, season 11 episode 6 called, “Survival” and we have your Chicago PD recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago PD season, 11 episode 6 called, “Survival“ as per the NBC synopsis, “Intelligence teams up with ASA Chapman to take on an abduction case involving a teenager.

The case hits close to home for Voight, leading him to take a personal interest in finding justice for the victim.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago PD begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago PD Recap

The night was like any other. Voight went to his usual bar. He was so attached to the place that there was a photo of his son Justin working there a week after he turned twenty-one and Voight got to keep the picture. It reminded him of better times. He lost his son years ago, but the pain still lingers.

Voight was on his way home when something didn’t feel right. He was walking through an alley way and something about it felt wrong.

It was the back of a store. Voight went into the store to ask for the security footage in the back and it’s a good thing he did too because Voight saw that a kid had been abducted from that same spot mere minutes before Voight walked through it.

It’s why it felt wrong. Voight can spot a crime scene even when he’s not sure there’s been a crime. His instincts can pick it up easily and that was in spite of him having a few drinks earlier. Voight’s next move was to call it in. He called for his team. He called for forensics. He had everyone going over that scene.

There was later a bag of drugs found nearby. It belonged to the victim. The victim was identified as Noah because of those drugs. Noah was a teenager. He recently traveled to Chicago after his parents threw him out.

Noah was gay. His parents hated him for it. They kicked him out and they didn’t care he was missing. They said their son died the moment he “chose” that lifestyle. Noah didn’t have money or a cell phone. He didn’t buy a hotel room nor was he seen visiting any hostels.

His last whereabouts was the bus when he took it to Chicago. He was a ghost since then. The drugs thing though gave them a lead. They found out who deals MDMA in that neighborhood. The drug dealer was Zach “ZJ” Jones. He also has a long rap sheet.

ZJ was known for abducting customers that refuse to pay. He would snatch them off the street, beat them even torture them, and then release them in his favorite spot. Sweeny Park. It’s where ZJ does a lot of business.

He wanted these broken customers to serve as a message to everyone else that refuses to pay. The police tried to charge him with two abductions in the past.

They did so because one of his previous victims had almost died. The victims never knew where he brought them. They also tended to drop their case against them because they were too terrified to pursue it.

It was unfortunate that Noah got mixed up with this guy. Intelligence brought in ASA Chapman to assist. They tried to arrest ZJ at the park and they questioned him. They grilled him for hours. He claimed not to know Noah all the while smiling at the cops. He never lost that smile. He took sadistic pleasure out of toying with the cops.

They had to release him because they had nothing on him and they tried to follow him. They eventually lost sight of him on the road. Voight got into a car accident in his pursuit of the guy. And the car chase culminated in someone dumping Noah’s body in the street.

Noah was taken to the hospital. He was injured. He was stabbed six times. His eyes were also stapled open. All he would say about where he was held was “wood, lots of wood”. He wouldn’t say it was ZJ who abducted him. Voight might also be wrong about ZJ being the guy.

They tracked down the car used in Noah’s abduction. It led them to a warehouse. There was lots of wood piled up. There was a sterile room in the back. It was all wrong for Voight. The crime scene didn’t seem like ZJ’s style. It seemed like it belonged to a serial killer. Not a drug dealer trying to prove a point.

Voight later visited Noah at the hospital. He was doing better. He was also deeply traumatized. He would have said anything to get Voight out of the room and so Voight didn’t think him identifying ZJ as the guy to be credible. Which was a problem for Chapman.

Chapman had her detectives question Noah again. Noah still said it was ZJ and so she got an arrest warrant for ZJ. ZJ was arrested. He almost died when he got arrested because he had a gun on him. A gun he dropped so that they wouldn’t drop him.

ZJ finally admitted he does know Noah. He just doesn’t have beef with Noah. Noah pays him on time.

Noah has been followed by a car lately and ZJ had thought it was the cops. It wasn’t them. It was Noah’s stalker. Noah has been staying at a homeless shelter on and off since he got to Chicago. He kept to himself. He sang in the bathroom while refusing to join the choir.

He grew up singing in the church. He wasn’t looking to get rejected by another community. He just kept his head down and he didn’t have problems with anyone. ZJ didn’t do this to him. Noah’s perpetrator has been following him for weeks. He had stalker.

There’s been no other cases like Noah’s. His stalker didn’t hurt anyone the same way they hurt him. Voight went back to Noah and he explained that they knew he was lying about ZJ. Only they can move past that. They can still find the real person that tortured Noah.

However, ZJ just wasn’t going to be released again. They searched his home with their warrant and they found footage of him torturing two others. They have him on that. ZJ was still going to go away. And ASA Chapman tried talking to Voight about it, but he was shut down.

Chapman also learned that Noah has moved in with Voight. The kid has nowhere else to go. And the hunt for the man that almost killed Noah continues on.

The End
