Celine Dion on the Titanic door debate: Jack doesnt need an invitation

Publish date: 2024-06-03

It’s been 22 years, but the “Door Debate” in Titanic just won’t, er, die. It was the subject of a 2012 Mythbusters episode, and memes featuring Barack Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio. Director James Cameron said that basically, Jack had to die, so the size of the door is beside the point. (I bet he wishes he’d requested a smaller one, though.) After Leo and Kate, the person most synonymous with the movie is Celine Dion, so it makes sense that Jimmy Fallon would ask her for her take during a recent interview that focused on her new album and tour. Here’s some of what she told Jimmy.

On the Celine-assaince and her fashion
I feel like I’m being born on every morning. I go to bed like this every night.

On having the longest residency in Vegas
Thank you to all the fans. I was supposed to be there for three months. I don’t know what happened.

At the end of Titanic, if Rose scooted over she could have saved Jack’s life. Do you agree with this?
Don’t put me in trouble. What if they want to do a Titanic number two? First, If you look closely to the picture, Rose is maybe dead or totally frozen and she’s not quite all there. Second of all, he doesn’t need an invitation. Maybe all his body is so frozen he didn’t have the strength to [sings] ‘Jump in for my love.’

On why she called her album Courage
The last three years my family went through tough times. A lot of people go through tough times. This is my first album in English without [Rene] physically but he is always within me. Courage [represents] all the album because it was difficult. Courage is such an important thing and a big word. All of us have courage. We need that in our lives.

[From The Tonight Show via Youtube]

I love when Celine spontaneously bursts into song. She seems so happy. You can tell that she’s definitely energized by her tour and the new directions her life is taking. I also think it’s great that Jimmy asked her about this and that she answered very diplomatically, pointing out that Jack and Rose were both in freezing water, so it almost doesn’t matter how big the door was, if neither of them had the strength to get him up onto it. Incidentally, Celine’s take on the unimportance of door size is better than James Cameron’s. She’s game to talk about any aspect of the movie, even one that’s been talked about endlessly already. He comes across as annoyed about the debate and calls it “silly,” when he could have easily asked the set/props folks for a smaller door in the first place.

I still remember going to the movies to see Titanic with a friend, and that a bunch of girls in the row in front of us were literally screaming/sobbing telling Jack to get off the ship as fast as possible. I alsoremember watching an interview with Kate in which she talked about filming the water scenes on her birthday, and she mentioned this to Leo. Since everyone was so miserable in the water tank, he said something like, “Darling, I don’t care.” While I don’t think that the water was freezing, I remember this in part because I was surprised that it wasn’t warmer so that they’d all be slightly more comfortable. Is this the end of the Door Debate? Probably not, but it should be. Celine has spoken.

Here’s that interview!

Note by Celebitchy: Double purses! Queen.




Photos credit: Backgrid
