Can Regigigas be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Publish date: 2024-06-14

With Regigigas being the current Five-Star Raid Boss in Pokemon GO, numerous players are making use of this opportunity to challenge the Legendary Pokemon and potentially add it to their collection. While the majority will just be happy to fill out a spot in the Pokedex, some may have their eyes on something a bit more rare.

Shiny Pokemon have been a topic of interest amongst hardcore Pokemon fans since the variant's debut in the second generation of the franchise. Ever since, these types of creatures have made their appearance in every facet of the Pokemon franchise from the card game to its countless spin-offs.

Sadly, Niantic is notoriously picky when it comes to the creatures whose shiny variants do and do not appear in Pokemon GO. As such, players will need to do sufficient research before commiting the time and effort into hunting any one particular shiny variant of a Pokemon. This article will provide some insight into encountering a shiny Regigigas.

Tips for finding and beating Shiny Regigigas in Pokemon GO

Regigigas as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Thankfully, it has been confirmed that, throughout the current content rotation of Pokemon GO hosting Regigigas Raids, players will be able to find the legendary golem in its rare shiny variant. However, finding this type of Regigigas could very well take players a lot of time to grind for.

Most recently, players had the best chance to find and catch a Shiny Regigigas thanks to the weekly Raid Hour event. This occurence greatly increases the likelihood for Regigigas to appear in raid locations. This makes hunting for a Shiny Regigigas in the mobile game much easier, as players have to spend less time between raids.

As expected, players who don't get lucky on their first try will need to secure a way to get a surplus of Raid Passes. Since players can only store three of the free Raid Passes that can be received from spinning the Photo Disk at a PokeStop once per day, those who are having a harder time finding a Shiny Regigigas may need to purchase their Passes from the in-game shop in exchange for PokeCoins.

Furthermore, players will need a team of creatures and other players to grind through countless Raid Battles with. Since Regigigas is a pure Normal-type Pokemon, it only takes super-effective damage from Fighting-type attacks. As such, using creatures like Mega Blaziken, Lucario, Machamp, and Breloom is integral for success.

A team of three experienced raiders can also make grinding these Raid Battles in Pokemon GO much easier. Since Regigigas is a very bulky Legendary Pokemon, its base stats can prove challenging for smaller and less experienced raiders. Keeping this in mind, optimal team sizes may vary depending on the players willing to participate.

Although Regigigas doesn't provide much utility when it comes to Pokemon GO's competitive Battle League, its rarity makes the Colossal Pokemon a rather valuable creature for shiny hunters and those who play the game to fill the Pokedex. Boasting one of the better shiny color palettes, this golem is sure to spice up any trainer's collection.

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