Bobby Green discusses surviving prison as a first-time offender

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Bobby Green appeared on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast along with his father and coach, Jacob Behney. The lightweight fighter shared his experience of what it is like to survive in prison as a first-time offender.

There are cell rules in prison that mandate that only people of the same race can eat or trade together. However, 'The King' revealed that it was always all other communities against the black community. He told Joe Rogan:

"It's always all of them against us. It sucked to be black in those times. I'm telling you real s**t. We thump though, we thump. So, we knocked them out."

Watch Bobby Green talk to Joe Rogan:

Green served a 90-day prison sentence years ago. His father, Jacob Behney, also shared an incredible story about how he got into several fights during his stay in prison as a first-time offender.

Behney was attacked by his fellow cellmates during his stay in prison. A gang even tried to stab him during that time. However, he was able to defend himself using his fighting skills.

What's next for Bobby Green in the UFC?

Green is coming off a first-round TKO loss to Islam Makhachev in his last fight. The 35-year-old stepped in on short notice after Beneil Dariush had to pull out of the contest. His two-fight win streak got snapped with that loss.

However, Green remains a fan-favorite fighter due to his entertaining style and charismatic persona. A bout against someone in the top 15 might make sense for him.

Watch Bobby Green's rise to the top:

'The King' has exceptional boxing skills. He finds a home for his shots on his opponents on a frequent basis. His nonchalant, hands-down defensive style makes his opponents miss, which allows him to find counters. Green's knockout win against Al Iaquinta was a showcase performance.

The fight against Makhachev was his first UFC main event. Despite being a UFC fighter since 2013, it wasn't until recently that he started getting attention from the fans.

Green's stock didn't go down despite his loss to Makhachev. Fans can expect 'The King' to take on big names in the promotion with his growing popularity. There are plenty of interesting fights for the Californian in the UFC's lightweight division.

Bobby Green happens to be an entertainer and rarely has boring fights. Who the UFC matches up the 35-year-old against next remains to be seen.

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