Best counters, weaknesses, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Pokemon GO is bringing Mega Gyarados back to Mega Raids. Mega Gyarados raids are going live on August 4, 2023, at 10 AM local time and ending on August 16, 2023, at 10 AM local time. If you have previously missed opportunities to catch this behemoth of a beast, now is the chance to do so. Being a Mega Raid Boss with a five-star difficulty rating, this will not be the easiest critter to beat in Pokemon GO.

With less than a day remaining for Mega Gyarados raids, you might want to know how to counter this beast. If you have high-level Pocket Monsters in your account, you will not face too many obstacles while trying to beat Mega Gyarados.

In this article, we will tell you about the best counters that you can use against Mega Gyarados. We will also go through its moveset and weaknesses so that you know everything this critter brings to Pokemon GO.

What are the best monsters to counter Mega Gyarados in Pokemon GO?

Some of the best counters to Mega Gyarados include Mega Sceptile, Mega Blaziken, and Mega Rayquaza (Image via Sportskeeda)

Being a Water- and Dark-type critter, Mega Gyarados is vulnerable to a wide array of elemental typings in the game. The typings that work best against Mega Gyarados are as follows:

Recommended counters to beat Mega Gyarados in raids:

What are the best moves to counter Mega Gyarados in Pokemon GO raids?

As mentioned earlier, Mega Gyarados is vulnerable to Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Electric, and Grass-type critters. So, as you would expect, this beast is best countered with moves that belong to one of the aforementioned elemental typings.

Even though these moves will deal super effective damage to Mega Gyarados, it is always advisable to choose a Fast move that has a high energy generation without compromising the damage output. A Fast move that helps you recharge your Charged moves quickly is always better when it comes to PvE battles, especially raids in GO.

Recommended moves to counter Mega Gyarados in raids:

Fast moves:

Charged moves:

While choosing the right moves is crucial to defeating Mega Gyarados, you will also need some allies to help you win the Mega Raid. These are not easy by any stretch of the imagination, and even with high-level critters, Mega Gyarados can be a tough nut to crack.

So, having a group of four trainers would be ideal to take down this mega beast within the stipulated time limit

Mega Gyarados moveset in Pokemon GO

Mega Gyarados as seen in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Mega Gyarados comes with the following moves:

Fast moves:

Charged moves:

Moves with a ‘*’ next to them are Legacy moves and require an Elite TM to be taught to Mega Gyarados in Pokemon GO.

More from Sportskeeda

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